The Twirlettes’ alumni are highly respected within the Twirlettes organization as they were a vital part of the past championships, success, and programs that still continue today within the organization. Kindly referred to as our ‘Has Beens” our Twirlette alumni have paved the way for many twirlers after them. The “Has Beens” continue to support the organization that was so important during their twirling careers, led to many close friendships, life lessons & values that they are now applying to their collegiate & professional careers. They often return to support their team at football games, performances, events, clinics, camps and get together often. Many of them have traveled to nationals taking vacation days to help and support their team. They embody what this group means not only to the coaches but the members. We have a phrase that signifies their forever membership into this group. “Once a Twirlette, always a Twirlette”!
~’We spend time together not because we have to, but because we want to!”.
Supporting Current Twirlettes
Continuing to twirl…
Celebrating Life Milestones….